1. easily applied,
2. a piece of cake to understand and
3. derived from real life experiences.
Ideas that fit in this criteria have always fascinated me.
And they could be from seduction, self-help, economy, philosophy and basically from any other area of collected knowledge.
They can be as simple as saying "Always have fun.", or if our goal is to have a successful business "Deliver high quality products" and from the area of self help "Live in the present moment."
These ideas always woke up certain emotions in me, because they are universal truths. It's so easy to imagine the application of these ideas and it is even easier to understand the potential if we could only apply them to our daily routine.
Our goal will be to find this "profound" knowledge, to find these truths and apply them.
Have you ever asked yourself why does it happen that you read a book and almost never apply the ideas presented there?
Have you ever noticed that you can read this suggestion that could literally change your life and you were motivated and pumped up... but then the next day came and you forgot about it?
If indeed you did, then read on... because you will change.
I will provide the ideas that will help you motivate yourself, and I'll give you the techniques which will make you change.
Let's start.
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