One thing that you have to remember is that dancing is fun and girls really enjoy it. And it's not a big deal to dance with her. Some guys will make a mistake of making it a big deal and the girl will be turned off by it.
I remember how one of my friends once asked a girl to dance with him as he was literally shaking and was looking really nervous. The girl went to the dance floor with him and it was very obvious that neither of them was enjoying it. As a matter of fact it was embarrassing.
So being comfortable with it is a big thing, however even if you are a little nervous ask her for a dance anyway. Because the more that you dance, the more comfortable and confident will you become.
One thing that I love to do is to just say to the girl "Hey we are going to dance now" with a smile on my face as I gently take her hand and start leading her to the dance floor. Girls will rarely say no and if they do they will look like party breakers. At the same time a lot of girls will really like it because it shows that you are a confident and fun guy.
Now if you don't know the girl and she is already dancing all by herself or with her friends the best thing that you can do is to start dancing near her. And after you get eye-contact just go up to her and start dancing. With this move it's REALLY important that you are having fun and aren't creepy at doing it.
If there is the slightest signal that you are nervous she will most probably turn you down. So your first goal should be to have fun in your own group of friends and then go up to her!
To learn specific techniques that will help you get rid of unnecessary nervousness CLICK HERE.
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