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Ideas For A Date - Only The Best Ones Here!

Sometimes it's better to go on a fun and engaging date then on a boring formal date from 60ies. There are a lot of different options and I've gathered the best ones here.


The bowling arena in my area has "party bowling" nights every Fridays and Saturdays which are even more fun then normal bowling hours. The lights get a bit dimmed and music is louder and in effect people have more fun. There is more socializing going on and the environment is more friendly.
If you have a chance to catch any of those nights don't think of it anymore and just do it.


The last time I was in Germany I've been to this bar in which they had a lot of arcade games. They had racing, fighting and shooting games which were all a lot of fun!
They even had the dancing machine with those lights on the floor and you had to dance accordingly. I've been to that place with quite a few girls and it was fun every time.


Pool is great because again, you are having an "excuse" to hang out and the date will never be boring because of that. At the same time you are competing with her, which is fun all by itself and will give you a lot of topics to talk about. You might even want to make fun out of how bad is she at it.

Well these three are my all time favourite ways of dates. Never forget to have fun because it is the secret ingredient that all successful dates have in common.

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